Since we relaunched as Bright Red in 2010, we have invested over £2m in various projects. Our key achievements and highlights are detailed below.

October 2019
Bright Red Nurse Heather Lee is now in post at the Frirage Hospital in Northallerton, thanks to our investment of over £40,000.

July 2019
Our third Bright Red Nurse, Susan Davison, has started her new role at the Queen Elizabeth Hospital in Gateshead – thanks to our investment of over of £55,000.

January 2019
Bright Red are proud supporters of the complementary therapists at Sunderland Royal Hospital. We provided £3,500 of funding which helped provide 1,475 therapies, given to 992 patients.

December 2018
Our second Bright Red Nurse, Jill Bell, has taken up post in Sunderland Royal Hospital, thanks to our investment of nearly £80,000.

June 2018
We committed to funding over £20,000 for the refurbishment of Ward 33’s Day Room at the NCCC.

March 2018
We contributed over £5,600 to the funding of a new Real-Time PCR Machine at Newcastle University, for critical haematological research.

January 2018
We continued our funding of the Bright Red Outreach Nurse post at the NCCC, providing funding through to 2021.

March 2017
We expanded our funding of Complimentary Therapies to Hexham and Sunderland.

September 2016
We renovated three isolation rooms on Ward 33 to help improve facilities for transplant patients. Rooms now include free TV and a PlayStation, and have a significantly improved interior design.

May 2016
We invested over £40,000 to help create a new ECP treatment centre at the NCCC. Until this time patients battling GvHD needed to travel to Rotherham.

November 2015
We gave £1,500 to help fund the annual Haematology Patient Survivorship Conference. This is a highly regarded event, one which we are proud to partner.

January 2015
The 100th Lee Robson Patient Care Grant was issued. These are one off financial awards given to patients in most need of assistance.

April 2014
For the 3rd year in a row Bright Red provided funding to the Complimentary Therapy Team at the NCCC, which has since continued to receive support in to 2018.

February 2014
Our largest educational grant finished in 2014. A £10,000 award from Bright Red gave DrArami access to a haemato-oncology and stem cell transplant fellowship at the world renowned Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Centre in Seattle, USA.

September 2013
Bright Red invested £310,000 (our largest one off grant to date) into the purchase and running of a state of the art Flow Cytometer.

August 2013
The first Bright Red Outreach Nurse began her 3 year post at the Northern Centre for Cancer Care. This was extended to 2018 and has recently been extended to 2021.

August 2012
Our Patient Care Grants were launched in August 2012. In 2013 we would rename these grants to Lee Robson Patient Care Grants in memory of our first Ambassador.

January 2012
Bright Red invested £50,000 to create a Lymphoma Biobank – a valuable resource for researchers.

February 2011
The first Bright Red educational grant was issued. This enabled staff to attend the European Bone Marrow Conference in Paris.

January 2011
Bright Red provided half of the funding for the George Walker Fellowship at a cost of £250,000. The recipient of this grant would go on to secure a prestigious Welcome Trust award, bringing a further £1,000,000 of research investment into the region.

MSCT 2000 was re-launched as Bright Red. The vision is to build on the £4m raised and invested by MSCT since 1988. Our aims were expanded to include improving patient care and education as well as research.